Hello Ireayomide,

As I beheld your face on the bed waiting for you to wake this morning, I smiled yet again. Indeed the action was me appreciating the Almighty.

at 9 months old

Indeed, a few things have struck me about you as I’ve watched you grow these last three years. Let me first tell you that I am listening to Simi’s Ayo as I write this just because I want to hear “Ire o, Ire. Ayomide o, A-yo-mi-de.” Remember we both listened to the same single a day before your birthday, like we did something close to this a day to your first birthday in 2018. Then, it was Adekunle Gold’s ‘Ire’ we were dancing to. Add both songs and we arrive at your wonderful name.

Birthday pose…

Thanks for being a “very precious kid” like one of my friends referred to you few months after you were born. He had found out you were not feeding on any baby formula or cereal. Still, you took your first steps at 8 months old. You did not at any time stress us with anything. You easily grew and developed at a rate that keeps surprising us.

Timelines for development are set, but you have broken them all so far. Your speech and the manner you put whatever you are trying to communicate together indeed goes way beyond your age. I have stopped wondering because I cannot comman put myself in a mental fix trying to decipher things about you.

As we expected your sister and made it known that a sibling was on the way, you were glad and ready to welcome her. The only thing we did not tell you before her birth was her intended name. You were never ill or showed any negative signs associated with kids who are to have younger ones. Thank you for seamlessly taking on the role of an elder brother. Always pacifying Serena whenever she goes into her fits of crying which are mostly induced by sleepiness, the desire to feed or something we don’t know.

“Serena stop crying.”

“Hey Serena, are you a fine girl?”

“Serena see your Mommy!”

All said with fondness and love as you make her know you are happy having her around. Then you are ever ready to go trash her used diapers, bring her napkin or her bottle. Could any child be more serviceable?

Sibling love…#TheArk and Serena #TheChampion

To the Almighty, I pray that we will be blessed with all we need to keep helping your natural abilities so your light can illuminate the world.

Happy birthday Hi-Ray, like Uncle Nifemi calls you. The world awaits your manifestation, and nothing will stop it.

And I say Happy birthday to Aunt Kerselia for you too. We love and celebrate you Aunt.

Happy birthday Aunt Kerselia

Let us introduce our new addition at this point: say Hi to the Queen, the Champion, Serena Eyitayo
