So the best way to start this piece is confusing but I will start. Read this as if I’m talking to you. If you ever heard my voice, read with my voice. If you have never heard me speak, read with the kind of voice you think I have.

Sometime ago, I ran into a bit of ‘interesting times’ in business. I was drained in all ways, and that is an understatement. Maybe I should confess that it affected my writing too. I could not really sit and think straight or string words together anymore.

A life that shows promise was now really struggling to fulfil potential. I didn’t weather the storm. NO, I DIDN’T! God gave me the most solid support systems anyone can ever wish for – a wife, siblings and parents and a family that are not even the typical in-laws.

The reasons, people, factors, conditions and what have you are not necessary here. Can’t be dwelling on the past. The result however was that I was left neck deep in debt and there was no way out.

That led me to other indebtedness as I needed to get by on a daily.

I prayed for a miracle! Of course I needed one, or many. A day to the end of the year, the biggest miracle of my year happened. Okay scratch that so it can look more sensational. I got a mail on the 30th of December!

I was asking for something smaller. God was sorting something HOOOGE!

Essence of this is to tell you not to lose hope. God is never late, even if He seems late.

Mine was a a year ender in 2019, yours can be same, or even be your new year opener. Just be expectant!

And when it happens, don’t dwell on it too much. Revel in it for a while. Celebrate your win, your ‘miracle’; then face the next challenge.

Congrats on the end of 2021.


“Don’t you want to go to Church today?”

“My Daddy, it is ice cream I want.”

That was the first conversation between my son and I last Sunday. Sunday morning!

Right now, my wife and I could easily liken him to Samuel because of his love for Church. And isn’t it rather interesting that we named him after the Jewish king who had said, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.”

Photo by Pixabay

Anyway, I managed to pacify him, asking him to let Church service end before we would make the trip to his ice cream place. I mean, it made no sense to me to drive straight to a place I was certain to still pass through later that day.

When service ended, the chorus resumed – “Daddy, I want ice cream.”Again, I explained that we needed to return home to prepare for our Sunday post-service outing, assuring him that he would have his ice cream on our way. Little friend tried playing a fast one when he asked me to at least buy him small Fan Ice yoghurt since the place for the ice cream he wanted was not near. Errmm, I denied him that luxury too and told him he needed to learn patience.

Fast forward to the time to leave home when my phone rang. The result of this call meant we had to reach our destination by another route, meaning the ice cream dream vanished into thin air, for some more time. By now, David was visibly vexed and grumbled till sleep eventually stole on him.

Arriving our destination, I woke him and resumed trying to pacify him with something apart from ice cream but he would not have anything apart from Shoprite ice cream. Yikes.

Somehow, I had my way at some point and ‘bribed’ him with ‘something else.’ We agreed that this was a temporary fix and that he would still have his ice cream later.

The return journey home started and the boy who would normally sleep off before we get home was wide awake and alert.

“Should I buy you suya?”

“I want suya…and ice cream too.”

His insistence on having what he wanted impressed me. It was a way of saying, “I do not mind what you are offering but my eyes are firmly locked on what I actually want.”

Eventually, we got to the mall and he started towards his desired ice cream vendor’s shop, ever so happily. Here’s what my boy did not know: I had better plans than what he had wanted for himself. So I stopped abruptly. As you can expect from a loving four-year-old, the looked at me, clearly worried. That alone moved my heart so deeply, wondering if he thought I would delay or evade, yet again.

“What is it, Daddy?”

Smiling, I let him know that I would get him ice cream in a place that had something better and costlier than what he had originally wanted. As I have won his trust over time, he waited and watched on as the attendant served his creamy goodness with toppings. He couldn’t have been happier as he received the well-packaged ice cream. As a bonus, I made sure to gift him with the one he had wanted initially.

Photo by Unsplash

Many times, we keep crying out to God for something while He is quietly planning ‘something else’ that is much better for us. David wanted something, but I wanted something better for him and because he was patient, he eventually got both what I knew was better for him and the initial one that he thought so good that he desired it.

Far too often, we reach out for things all by ourselves. But we need to learn to trust God 100% because at no time does He not have ‘something’ much better than we desire for ourselves. You want something immediately but God might seem to be ‘delaying it’ because he has something much better for you.

By striving to claim what we want, we tell God to hands off from the assumption that we can do it. I imagine that at such times, this Supreme Person who knows our hearts shakes his head as we pursue the substandard desires of our hearts. Only if we would realise that so much comes easy and things fall in place by trusting God and doing the specific things that communicates that faith, which God will plant firmly within our hearts.

What do we need? Patience and absolute trust in The Almighty, as the One who delivers cheaply what our desires when we would rather slave and sweat for. Never forget too, that it is this genuine attitude of being assured of his goodness that delivers to us, life’s best toppings.

Be like little King David and watch the best quality of goodness delivered to you.

Peace and Blessings!!! Wish me the same with just a comment below.

Random Bits…Rambling, Rumbling and More

2019 the year has brought many things my way. Some journeys that have added more lessons to the ones I’ve gleaned, associations that have withered and are already confined to history, friendships that have received a new lease of life…and the stress: mental, physical, financial and what have you. As the year ticked by, I got fed up of this planet. That surely was premised on the fact that I stumbled and have not found my balance in a while. That of course affected my writing. This is one major reason I haven’t put up much things here. No matter how much I tried, it wasn’t ever easy finding my way back to this place that used to be my hiding spot years ago.

Despite the many unpalatables, there were numerous positives which I chose to focus on. I sought additions and got them with ease where many other people struggled. Relationships that seemed destined to thrive were cut in their prime because, as I later learnt, they would sap and drain everything I’ve got to offer. Talk of blessing in disguise.

I did not set out to write a lamentation or what have you. In fact, I’m writing this freestyle so it may come a bit disjointed. It’s not arranged and I may not even edit it because I’m not after perfection. I just wanna push this out of my head.

Well, I had cause to reach out to people for help and I got answers. Many people turned up for me rather unexpectedly. That I am surprised I got assistance from some of my people is basically because I don’t have expectations from anyone. Like I noted in one of my previous posts, Im never disappointed because I haven’t appointed anyone. I just take days as they come and flow with what they’ve got.

I found out that a lot has changed in my life in the last four to five years. Very interesting, humbling, lessons-filled and of course, very remarkable. So two days after Christmas, I had cause the pass through a part of my city of residence where I used to spend time with my old crew, doing cat fish soup and drinks. I smiled as I passed. That was the reality once again, the fresh reminder that things have changed a lot. The cat fish woman had moved in to other things, same with me and my crew. The changes keep happening everyday, but some people have remained constants despite some people trying to chase some people away from some people. Hahahaha! Those who know this understand what I’m talking about.

As I close this very eventful year, I’m ever grateful to The Almighty for the gift of (wo)men. Those who have contributed words, actions, funds and even presence while this year rolled by. Thanks for sticking around in these times. For those whom we have drifted, thanks for being around when life and time made it possible. For those who have unexpectedly being around, thanks for ‘disappointing’ me. For those who won’t let life take them away despite distance and other factors, thank you too. For those I could bring back into my life to enjoy our deep interactions and share experiences, thanks too.

I will do one more post before 2019 shuts her doors, and it will be planned. Not this freestyle…


This place has plenty cobwebs. The blog possibly does not like me again. Just beg am for me as she’s well-loved and the chase for daily bread, coupled with other things like an ‘ill and admitted’ PC have hidden me. Well, my people in the ‘errrm’ community say I should type on my mobile but I have never found it easy going that way. The screen is too small for me and everything seems clumsy. Let us leave all that story and clean all the dust and cobwebs here together as we take a short ride with my reflective post.

I normally put up something on my birthday but I was lucky enough to have people in my life who thought the best they could do was write what they think about me. If I added mine that same March 28, everything would be too much. Hence, I took the back seat and let you digest what was said/written before I do my own bit of writing (although ‘tis more of a junk folder emptying).

So I start by registering my appreciation to everyone who took time to reach out to me on the day that annually brings me to reflection. There were phone calls and sms; there were physical meetings. The biggest ones came from people who reached out via the virtual world. There are people I cannot remember knowing at all but who by virtue of being my Facebook friends, reached out too. There are those for whom it’s the annual ritual, and they did not fail with the “HBD, LLNP”. Big thanks all

Of course, I have people whom I have seen just a few times or never seen that have become friends and family via social media (I reject the temptation to mention names). These guys wrote words that touched and moved me. If what they wrote about me is anything to go about, then I only have to set the bar higher and keep living the way I presently do.

Like I noted earlier, my birthday always brings me to the place of reflection. My outlook about life has always been “to be better today than the me I was yesterday”. If I have made you smile before, I want to make you grin. If you ever remember me, I want it to be that you will send me a word of prayer. I want you to lighten up with a smile whenever I stroll into your consciousness.

I am presently strutting my stuff here but I want to live when I am no longer alive. I want to be remembered as the one who was the reason for many positives. All these spur me on so that it would be said of me “he’s no longer here but he’s still right here”. I want to write books you will want to read over and over, like I have read some over the years.

In this journey, I have been blessed with great people, and of course the not so wonderful ones. I am glad as both groups of people have been of immense help in shaping my thought process. I have enjoyed the loyalty Peter had for Jesus (that made him deny Christ at a point); I have been kissed by Judas (maybe I survived); I have found and lost LOVE; I have lost and found PEACE. I however have the right dose of all I need. The only fear I have is to not translate potential into result. With the help of God, I will exceed expectations (at the appointed time).

There are people I carry on my head who are gracious enough to show me they don’t care a bit about my feelings. There are those who have reciprocated by carrying me high. I have been mean to some who say they love me and some have been mean to me because of the same thing, or even what is not worth it. I am however glad because I am in the University of Life.

I have been taken advantage of and taken for a fool because of many things. What the inner man says to me however is to let things be, and let time heal me. What I believe that has made me ignore is that beneficiaries of my supposed weakness have no moral justification to call me out.

I am calm because I never want to ‘fight’ with anyone as no one knows the last moment with anyone. I will not confront you because I just want to live in peace. I am no pretender, I just do my thing and go on. My human interactions and inter-personal relationships mean a lot to me, and I will not joke with it no matter who feels offended. I can lose one person to cling on to five. It is me, and how I choose to live, don’t you worry about how that wil get me into trouble.

I am not ashamed to have recurring decimals. Many of them are good and have been ladders and bridges despite some people trying to eject them from my life; some others are what they are, parasites. I am blessed with many who believe in me (even when I know/feel I am not good enough).

I have another chance to start another 3-6-5, and I already am in it. I will not stop doing what I do, neither will I stop living in the way I do. I will only seek to be “better today than the me I was yesterday”.

Big thanks everyone. I really felt great on my birthday and I do feel great now that I have a whole lot of wonderful people in my life.

Hopefully, this marks the resumption of life on this blog that used to be my run-to-place.


THIS morning, I walk down the aisle with YOU. In a few hours, I will look into your eyes and pledge a lot to you, a lot I never even knew I’ve got. I sit in front of my ‘girlfriend’ in this hotel room and punch right into her that YOU are the one who has more attention than her right now. She still doesn’t flinch, she willingly takes the words in and has even connected herself to the nearest wifi so those who wanna see what’s in my head as I take my vows will see. Just before you come at me with the clubs, knives and hammer, this ‘girlfriend’ is my HP PC. She got replaced after her older colleague took a bow sometime last year

“Seye, you are getting married. Will we read something?”

I just smiled, and that is because no one can really connect with how much goes on in my head. Everyone will know a bit of the stuff this morning. In this piece, I will touch on You, and then YOU!

You came when I was not looking or watching; when I just wanted company, association and someone to call mine. You grew into a big tree and occupied space on fertile grounds. We were the best of friends and lovers. You were everything, I mean everything. There is a lot in the little I have penned here, and those who know you know how long it took me to recover after life took you from me. I here am standing today, after staying in the dumps when you left me. Thank you for the lessons from me and you. You left marks…

You were the ’gale. We clicked and were starting to get crazy about one another. Then you flew, promising to come back to the nest. You were not able to because of pastures anew. For you ‘gale, I did that piece, because not many have made my muse visit. Remember what I told you about the world not ending yet? Ok, I’ll whisper into your ears…

At a point in my life, I immersed myself in social media, yes Twitter, and I met You. A sign of freshness, that wanted to be me so much Popo and Lawrence asked me what I have done to make you love me so much. You did so well that I would not sleep without thinking I had a treasure in my chest, neither would I wake without feeling I have finally been able to unearth raw gold. You ticked the criteria of me wanting someone outside my tribe who could speak my language. I don’t know what it is but life happened, and we drifted little by little till we became the end of a hymn. I later understood why something never felt right despite the entire ‘lovey dovey’.

You were always around, after that chance meeting at the bank. Life happened very fast and took you away before we could even really click. Despite the seas and the distance, we stayed in touch, and then you became that very wonderful friend who wanted to be there after the ‘lovey dovey’ days. You did not only help me heal, we made one another better people. I smile when I see how well you made me expand my horizon and improve on my thought-process. I smile when I see how well we both worked to tame a few things you knew were not so cool about you. Not many daughters of Eve have the kind of drive you have, and I really appreciate how hard you drove me. Life always has another route for us many times, and with you and I, same happened. You and I could not take the risk, we could not take the plunge, so we had to stay on the different sides of the divide. You however, are a special You. God bless You any day, every day…nuff said.

You were the one from a distant. Somehow we became closer, but we knew why that was. A fulfilment of some things thought from the long years maybe. A bit of drama, a lot of drama, yet we stick together as pals. LOL. You know what? God bless you big big!

So I ran from You then, and when I was going to come to you, life happened. Then we lost contact for years. See, as I walk down the aisle today, I remember how life brought you back. A better you, a wonderful you who has been a pillar since life brought you back, as a very different person to me. God bless You, and you know you.

Of course to You I was rude. I wanted to run because I did not know what to do. Slowly, I let down my guard, even when I knew it was late. Slowly we forged a partnership we only knew what it meant. You tagged me, I tagged you more. The fav of the tags, only me and you knew. A lot of sweetness drips from you, like Jagaban and Remi Tinubu. I know selflessness when I see it. Such a shame some things will never happen, but the forces bigger than us know why. Nuff said, at least for now.

Then YOU came. You were here during the ‘lovey dovey’ days but I didn’t see the direction in which the compass was pointing. When the compass knew I would not see, it let the wind blow me to YOU. Many things defy explanation. With YOU Habibti, there is the sense of divine arrangement for if I knew it was YOU, I maybe would not have gone on some voyages. Many ask how fast this is, they don’t know I don’t know too. It just started, and here with YOU I start this journey I have been told never ends.

I will read this with YOU later today (shebi YOU know), and we will read this in some years. I just want YOU to know that I feel absolutely fulfilled. As the weeks rolled and today approached, I started to understand why the compass pointed YOU in my direction. I may look as if I am an emotionless being some times, just know I am trying to keep myself sane about YOU. Like I may be hard on YOU sometimes, just know its me reining YOU in. With me, YOU will turn a chuckle into a smile, and a smile into full blown laughter. I love YOU, and I feel that extra that is beyond love, which is needed to build a home.

YOU will one day run back to read this, and hug me warmly, knowing I have stayed true to YOU. And as I walk down the aisle with you in a few hours Habibti, I pledge it all to YOU. YOU wanna know why it is YOU? YOU have the answer, but you don’t know it. Just ask YOU.

Happy married life to YOU…and me. I LOVE YOU